By default, Astro uses Shiki for syntax highlighting markdown code blocks. Astro comes with an array of Shiki
themes by default. However, let’s learn how to make our own using CSS Variables .
To begin, let’s update our Astro configuration to use Shiki’s css-variables
astro.config.mjs import mdx from '@astrojs/mdx' ;
export default defineConfig ({
markdown : { shikiConfig : { theme : 'css-variables' } } ,
integrations : [ mdx ()] ,
copied = true);
$el.setAttribute('data-checked', 'true');
$el.firstElementChild.classList.add('starting:scale-0', 'starting:opacity-0');
setTimeout(() => $el.removeAttribute('data-checked'), 2500);
" @mouseleave.debounce.1000ms="copied && (copied = false)" @keydown.enter.debounce.1000ms="copied && (copied = false)""copied && (copied = false)" @touchstart.debounce.1000ms="copied && (copied = false)" class="group flex items-center justify-between gap-2 rounded p-2 select-none hover:bg-surface-3 hover:text-brand focus-visible:ring-ring focus-visible:ring-1 focus-visible:outline-none motion-safe:transition-colors text-foreground-2 absolute top-0 right-0">
Within Astro’s source code , there’s a remark-shiki integration that defines a set of CSS
Variables. Taking note of these variables, we can now override them with our own:
Layout.astro < style is:global >
:root {
--astro-code-color-text : azure ;
--astro-code-color-background : black ;
--astro-code-token-constant : plum ;
--astro-code-token-string : orchid ;
--astro-code-token-comment : salmon ;
--astro-code-token-keyword : powderblue ;
--astro-code-token-parameter : seashell ;
--astro-code-token-function : dodgerblue ;
--astro-code-token-string-expression : burlywood ;
--astro-code-token-punctuation : linen ;
--astro-code-token-link : honeydew ;
</ style >
copied = true);
$el.setAttribute('data-checked', 'true');
$el.firstElementChild.classList.add('starting:scale-0', 'starting:opacity-0');
setTimeout(() => $el.removeAttribute('data-checked'), 2500);
" @mouseleave.debounce.1000ms="copied && (copied = false)" @keydown.enter.debounce.1000ms="copied && (copied = false)""copied && (copied = false)" @touchstart.debounce.1000ms="copied && (copied = false)" class="group flex items-center justify-between gap-2 rounded p-2 select-none hover:bg-surface-3 hover:text-brand focus-visible:ring-ring focus-visible:ring-1 focus-visible:outline-none motion-safe:transition-colors text-foreground-2 absolute top-0 right-0">
And that’s it! All code block syntax highlighting will now use our CSS Variables.
This project is a showcase of Astro Shiki Syntax Highlighting with CSS Variables.